Extending Gentle Aligner
Week 1 Progress
Generating HCLG.fst and Acoustic model from Voxforge_ru (Russian ASR model) recipe
- Setting up Case HPC account, tried installing Kaldi on case cluster. Switched to AWS computing cluster ec2 to enable quick development.
- Installed Kaldi on AWS cluster, downloaded voxforge_ru recipe on the cluster and executed the recipe.
Week 1 Task: Running voxforge_ru recipe, generating ASR model. Figuring out how to extract timing information from the generated model.
In order to install Kaldi, all dependencies must be satisfied. I faced an issue with MKL installation. It existed but it’s path was not known to /.configure in ‘src’ directory of Kaldi files.
- Use ‘whereis MKL’ to find the right path of the library Or look into bin/lib Or home/../intel/compilers_and../../mkl
Another library ‘srilm’ required for running the russian recipe successfullly needed to be downloaded manually.
On running run.sh, feats.scp was not created and model was also not generated.
ERROR: FstHeader::Read: Bad FST header: standard input
In case, you are facing the same error, copy arpa2fst from src/lmbin to /usr/bin manually. error thread
These steps generated the model and the decoded graph in exp/mono or exp/tri
- Next task is to figure out how to extract timing information from the graph stored in exp/tri i.e. final.mdl week 2
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Tools: Kaldi, Python, C, Bash Scripting
Link to GSoC Project Repository