Extending Gentle Aligner
Week 11
Putting everything together in a Singularity Container
Plan to deploy the work [Singularity Container] on CASE HPC
- connect through cisco vpn
- ssh case-id@rider.case.edu
- go to gallina home_dir
- start a screen session
run following commands
- module load singularity/2.5.1
- create a file called
in a directory of your choice in a system where you havesudo
access. - sample file:
Bootstrap: docker From: ubuntu:19.04 %post apt-get -y update apt-get -y install fortune cowsay lolcat # Switching to bash as default shell since some shells scripts somewhere in our dependencies use bashisms w/ /bin/sh shebang line ln -s bash /bin/sh.bash mv /bin/sh.bash /bin/sh apt-get -y install python3 apt-get -y install git-all apt-get -y install g++ make automake autoconf wget sox libtool subversion python2.7 zlib1g-dev mkdir -p /opt/shreya mkdir -p /opt/shreya cd /opt/shreya if [ ! -d kaldi ] ; then git clone https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi.git ; fi cd kaldi/tools if [ ! -f /opt/shreya/kaldi/built-ok ] ; then extras/check_dependencies.sh ; fi if [ ! -f /opt/shreya/kaldi/built-ok ] ; then make -j ; fi if [ ! -f intel-mlk-installed ] ; then extras/install_mkl.sh && touch intel-mlk-installed ; fi if [ ! -f /opt/shreya/kaldi/built-ok ] ; then extras/install_irstlm.sh ; fi if [ ! -f /opt/shreya/kaldi/tools/openfst ] ; then make openfst ; fi cd ../src if [ ! -f /opt/shreya/kaldi/built-ok ] ; then ./configure ; fi if [ ! -f /opt/shreya/kaldi/built-ok ] ; then make depend -j ; fi if [ ! -f /opt/shreya/kaldi/built-ok ] ; then make -j ; fi cd /opt/shreya touch kaldi/built-ok cd /opt/shreya if [ -d gentle-labs ] ; then rm -r gentle-labs ; fi if [ ! -d gentle-labs ] ; then git clone https://github.com/shreya2111/gentle-labs.git ; fi if [ ! -d gentle ] ; then git clone https://github.com/lowerquality/gentle.git ; fi cd gentle/ export MAKE="make -j" apt-get -y install gfortran if [ ! -f install-deps ] ; then ./install_deps.sh && touch install-deps ; fi if [ ! -f install-gentle ] ; then yes | ./install.sh && touch install-gentle ; fi cd /opt/shreya rm -rf kaldi/egs/gentles cp -a gentle-labs/v2/gentle kaldi/egs cp -a gentle-labs/v2/gentle/gentle/* gentle/gentle/ cd kaldi/egs/gentle # python3 scripts/initialize.py /opt/shreya/kaldi/egs/gentle/data /opt/shreya/kaldi/egs/gentle/trained_model+lexicon /opt/shreya/kaldi/egs/gentle/trained_model+lexicon/lexicon.txt python3 scripts/main.py /opt/shreya/kaldi/egs/gentle/initial/ru_0070.wav /opt/shreya/kaldi/egs/gentle/initial/text_70.txt /opt/shreya/kaldi /opt/shreya/gentle /opt/shreya/kaldi/egs/gentle/data /opt/s\ hreya/kaldi/egs/gentle/trained_model+lexicon /opt/shreya/kaldi/egs/gentle/trained_model+lexicon/lexicon.txt echo hello > /opt/shreya/ok.txt %environment export LC_ALL=C export PATH=/usr/games:$PATH %runscript fortune | cowsay | lolcat cat /opt/shreya/ok.txt
- singularity build gentle.simg Singularity
- singularity run gentle.simg
su=igularity shell gentle.simg
- Next: Summary Week 12
- Prev: Customized German Language Model Week 10
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Tools: Kaldi, Python, C, Bash Scripting
Link to GSoC Project Repository