Extending Gentle Aligner
Week 8
Walk-through the process: from installation to decoding
–> Streamlining the process - with one script- you can get json format viz files for audio input
git clone
project from gentle_extension repository inside kaldi/egs - move egs/gentle/gentle/* path_to_Gentle_Aligner/gentle/
So, all the files inside egs/gentle/gentle deal with generation of language files and help in creating the decoding graph, therefore the content inside that folder should be moved to wherever you have installed
tool, place it inside gentle/gentle/. -
run main.py audio_path utterance_path kaldi_path gentle_path proto_dir model_dir lexicon_dir
- Next: Exploring German Language Models: Using pre-trained tuda-de German ASR Week 9
- Prev: Decoding using a customized langauge model Week 7
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Tools: Kaldi, Python, C, Bash Scripting
Link to GSoC Project Repository